Saturday, December 14, 2013

Throttle cable

Got the new throttle cable yesterday from Seattle Marine. Went to the boat this morning. Got the new throttle cable installed. Sure works smooth. Didn't get the jib up to install the longer pendant. The wind got to blowing to strong. Will try again in a couple of days. Guess I need to order new 7/16 line for the drum. The old just doesn't want to end to end splice.

Not much else going on at the moment.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Splash II

The additional photos I couldn't upload earlier.


After 16 days on the hard we finally splashed.  Plan was to go to Port A for the night then head home the next morning. Didn't work out that way. We ran aground and had to get BoatUS to pull us off. Seems a tow a pushed up a bank and we ran right into it. Glad I got the insurance.
The following is just a photo story of us splashing and coming home.

I've got a couple more photos but having a hard time getting them uploaded. Will try later.