Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rough sailing day.

Charlie and I rolled out of Matagorda Marina at 0645 this morning. It was cold, cold and more cold. I had on long handles, heavy sweater, mitten cap and my heavy red jacket with gloves. Even with all this on I was still cold.

The ditch was smooth but I can't say the same thing for Matagorda Bay. The further we got into the bay the choppier it got. In fact it was down right rough. Winds gusting over 24mph. At one point Charlie had the port rail right down to the water. Somewhere during our crossing we hit 9.1 mph. We ended up averaging 5.1 for the whole delivery from Clearlake to Port Lavaca. A total of 167 miles. Best I can figure we use 8 gallons of fuel. Used a little more oil that I thought we should. I knew she was in a bad need of an oil change so we'll see if it makes a difference.

Charlies camera only got one photo before it died. We ended up healing a 35 degrees.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Delivery of Miss Sadie

I'll have to enter my notes after I get her all the way home. Had to leave her in Matagorda because of 40 knot wind here today. Don't want to be in Matagorda Bay in those conditions.

Sailing in Galveston Bay. It was pretty cold.  The hand on the helm is James a very good friend and a kick to be around.

We're under sail here doing around 6.7 mph. Nice sail.

We got into Freeport at 8:30 pm. Long day as we left at 6:50 am. 69 miles. Sunrise in Freeport. Charlie and I left Freeport at 6:15 headed to Matagorda. Arrived there at 3:30. Jame had gotten off in Freeport to visit with his dad and pick up his truck. He was kind enough to crew for me and give Charlie and I a ride to Clearlake.

Miss Sadie tied up in a slip at Matagorda Harbor Marine. James came and picked us up on his way back to Port Lavaca. Motor/sailing from Freeport to Matagorda was nice. We got up to 7.2 mph at one point. We average 6 to 6.7 under the 130 jib with a low speed motor. Just above idle.

I must say Miss Sadie look pretty good for being neglected as she way.

Drawing of the Watkings 27

She weights 7500 with a 3500 balance.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Miss Sadie

After many months looking for a larger sailboat I found a 1978 Watkins 27.  I talked to the owner a couple of time via text on the phone. We made arrangements to met Saturday Feb 16, 2013. She was not quite as nice as he had stated and needed a lot of TLC mostly cleaning. She had some very nasty carpet that was glued down.

I had gotten him down on the price so all the electronics were removed along with other stuff. I felt the price was good. Charlie did his inspection of the decks, standing and running rigging. We took her out for a little motoring to check the motor and steering out.

No deal killers so we are now a two boat owner. Miss Froggy our beloved Starwind 22 will go up for sale. I will not give her away. There has been a lot of love put into her.

Out plan is to sail Lady Sadie from Clearlake to Port Lavaca on Saturday Feb. 23rd. Charlie and James will crew for me. Lisa will stay at home this time.

Here are a couple of photos that I took on the 16th. I wanted more but as always the batteries died. Charlie is standing on the dock.

We are going to change her name. We can't remember her name now and its in French. From now on she will be called Lady Sadie. Sadie has special meaning to Lisa. Sadie was her grandmothers name.

                                          Charlie Jones